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Les Administrateurs

Annexe 1 et annexe 2

L'aviation légère et l'aviation en général, pour les pilotes et élèves-pilotes privés, mais aussi tous les amoureux de l'aviation. Les membres inscrits ont aussi accès au "Bar de l'aéroclub".

Annexe 1 et annexe 2

Messagede patrice lapierre le Samedi 6 Mai 2023 19:46

Bonjour à tous !

Bon j'en était resté au fait que les CNRA étaient des annexes 2 et les CDN des annexes 1... j'ai l'impression qu'il n'y a plus que des annexes 1... j'ai bon ?

Le problème n'est pas là... mais du au fait que maintenant pour entrer un CNRA (ou meme certain CDN) il faut dorénavant une autorisation de la DSAC et monter un dossier...
Bref.... pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué !!!!!!! ça fait juste 60 ans qu'on vole sur des D112 et des D119 et maintenant il faut perdre du temps de l'énergie pour monter des dossiers dont je ne vois pas trop l'intérêt... il y a bien longtemps que ces avions ont démontrés leurs qualités !!!!!! c'est affligeant !!!!

Bref... nous voulons rentrer un PA18 et un D119 dans le DTO et apparemment ce qui était simple il y a quelques mois devient compliqué !!!!!!
Certains ici ont il déjà eu ces dossiers à monter ? je suis preneur d'un modèle ou tout renseignement...

Ci dessous le mail que j'ai reçu de la DSAC ainsi qu'une copie de ce fameux GEN.DTO.240
Pour ce qui est de l'atelier et du certif acoustique nous étions au courant puisque nous utilisons déjà 2 CNRA depuis des années sans l'ombre d'un problème.....

Mail DSAC :
Suite à notre conversation téléphonique de ce jour, vous trouverez :
- en pièce jointe, un extrait du DTO.GEN.240 dans lequel il est indiqué qu’une autorisation est nécessaire pour les aéronefs Annexe I du règlement de base (UE) 2018/1139, et des extraits de l’AMC3 DTO.GEN.240 (cas des aéronefs Annexe I en CDN/CDNS (AMC3 DTO.GEN.240 (a)) et cas des aéronefs Annexe I en CNRA, CDNR, CDSK (AMC3 DTO.GEN.240 (b)).
- ci-dessous, les éléments à nous transmettre, via un nouveau dossier Meteor, pour obtenir l’autorisation d’utiliser les aéronefs Annexe I.

PA18 :
• une copie du CDN,
• un rapport d’évaluation conformément à l’AMC3 DTO.GEN.240 (a)(1)

Jodel 119 :
• une copie du CNRA
• la preuve que les aéronefs sont entretenus dans un cadre agréé ou par une ou plusieurs personnes autorisées qui justifient de moyens et d'expérience appropriés,
• la certification acoustique si le premier CNRA délivré est postérieur au 01/09/2013,
• un rapport d’évaluation détaillant les points (i), (ii) et (iii) du l’AMC3 DTO.GEN.240 (b)(2).

Le fameux DTO.GEN :

DTO.GEN.240 Training aircraft and FSTDs - Regulation (EU) 2019/1747
a. A DTO shall use an adequate fleet of training aircraft or FSTDs appropriately equipped for the training course provided. The fleet of aircraft shall be composed of aircraft that comply with all requirements defined in Regulation (EU) 2018/1139. Aircraft that fall under points (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, may be used for training if all of the following conditions are met:
1. during an evaluation process the competent authority has confirmed a level of safety comparable to the one defined by all essential requirements laid down in Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139;
2. the competent authority has authorised the use of the aircraft for training in the DTO.
b. A DTO shall establish and keep up-to-date a list of all aircraft, including their registration marks, used for the training it provides.
AMC1 DTO.GEN.240 Training aircraft and FSTDs - ED Decision 2018/009/R
a. The number of training aircraft may be affected by:
1. the availability of FSTDs; and
2. the number of aerodromes and operating sites of the DTO (cf. AMC1 DTO.GEN.115(a)(2)).
b. Each training aircraft should be:
1. equipped as required in the training specifications concerning the exercise for which it is used;
2. except in the case of balloons or single-seat aircraft, fitted with primary flight controls that are instantly accessible by both the student and the instructor (for example, dual flight controls or a centre control stick); swing-over flight controls should not be used.
c. The fleet should include, as appropriate to the training courses:
1. in the case of aeroplanes and sailplanes, aircraft suitable for demonstrating stalling and spin avoidance;
2. in the case of helicopters, helicopters suitable for autorotation demonstration;
3. FSTDs; each FSTD should be equipped as required in the training specifications concerning the course for which it is used.
d. One single aircraft that has all the required characteristics of a training aircraft mentioned in (b) and (c) above may be sufficient.
GM1 DTO.GEN.240 Training aircraft and FSTDs - ED Decision 2018/009/R
The DTO is required to use an adequate fleet of training aircraft. However, a DTO is not required to own the aircraft used. In any case, the DTO has the responsibility to use airworthy and appropriately equipped, certified and insured aircraft and FSTDs, as relevant to the particular training exercise.
AMC3 DTO.GEN.240 Training aircraft and FSTDs - ED Decision 2020/005/R
Two cases for the evaluation process of Annex-I aircraft are distinguished:
a. Annex-I aircraft that hold an ICAO-level certificate of airworthiness (CoA)
1. To support the evaluation process performed by the competent authority and provide the competent authority with sufficient data related to the aircraft in question, an instructor who is qualified in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL) to Regulation (EU) No 1187/2011 and nominated by the head of training (HT) of the DTO should assess that the aircraft is appropriately equipped and suitable for the training courses provided. The result of this assessment should be submitted to the competent authority and may be included already in the application for the authorisation.
2. During the evaluation process, the competent authority should consider aircraft that hold a CoA issued in accordance with Annex 8 to the Chicago Convention to provide a level of safety comparable to that required by Annex II to the Basic Regulation, unless the competent authority determines that the airworthiness requirements used for certification of the aircraft, or the service experience, or the safety system of the State of design, do not provide for a comparable level of safety.
b. Annex-I aircraft that do not hold an ICAO-level CoA
Before the inclusion of these aircraft in the fleet of an DTO and their use in training to obtain Part-FCL licences and ratings, the DTO should apply for the authorisation to the competent authority that should perform the evaluation process in the following order:
1. Initial assessment by the competent authority and criteria taken into consideration
The competent authority should take into account the following criteria (non-exhaustive list):
i. national airworthiness requirements based on which the aircraft CoA was issued;
ii. aircraft similarities to a certified variant;
iii. aircraft with a satisfactory in-service experience as training aircraft;
iv. simple and conventional aircraft design;
v. aircraft that does not have hazardous design features or details, judging by experience; and
vi. operable aircraft systems, equipment, and appliances that do not require exceptional skills or strength.
2. Additional assessment by a qualified instructor
To support the evaluation process performed by the competent authority and provide the competent authority with sufficient data related to the aircraft in question, after the positive initial assessment by the competent authority as per point (1), an instructor who is qualified in accordance with Part-FCL and nominated by the HT of the DTO should show through an evaluation report that the aircraft is appropriately equipped and suitable for the training courses provided. That evaluation report should consider all of the following criteria:
i. the aircraft should be safely controllable and manoeuvrable under all anticipated operating conditions, including after failure of one or more propulsion systems;
ii. the aircraft should allow for a smooth transition from one flight phase to another without requiring exceptional piloting skills, alertness, strength, or workload under any probable operating conditions;
iii. the aircraft should have sufficient stability to ensure that the demands made on the pilot are not excessive, considering the phase and duration of flight; and
iv. the assessment should take into account control forces, flight deck environment, pilot workload, and other human factors (HF) considerations, depending on the phase and duration of flight.
Subject to a positive evaluation report as per point (2), the competent authority should issue the authorisation.
Patrice Lapierre
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patrice lapierre
Messages: 1402
Inscription: Samedi 15 Septembre 2007 12:45
Localisation: Toujours là où il ne faut pas !
Aérodrome: LFMV, LFNV, LFNH

Re: Annexe 1 et annexe 2

Messagede Aviathor le Samedi 6 Mai 2023 22:33

Il n'y a jamais eu d'annexes 1 et 2 à la réglementation de base AESA concernant les CNR. Avant la révision (abrogation de l'ancien règlement à la faveur d'un nouveau) de la réglementation de base en 2018 (?) il y avait annexe 2. Après la révision, comme l'annexe 1 à disparu, l'ancien annexe 2 est devenu annexe 1.

Il comprend les ULM, les avions de collection, anciens avions d'arme, avions conçus avant 1955 dont la production s'est arrêtée avant 1975, les avions de construction amateur... Je ne me rappelle plus si cela comprend aussi les prototypes.

Tous les documents ne sont pas à jour, et certains font encore référence à l'ancien annexe 2 d'un règlement abrogé.

Attention au fait que Part-FCL est l'Annexe 1 du règlement (UE) 1178/2011 (et non 1187/2011 comme écrit ci-dessus) aussi connu sous le nom de "Aircrew", qui est distinct de la réglementation de base.

Mais je ne comprends pas non plus pourquoi il faut monter un dossier au cas par cas pour des modèles d'avions dont il y a déjà de nombreux exemplaires en DTO, et dont les caractéristiques sont connues par l'autorité nationale. À mon sens c'est le choix de l'autorité nationale, et pas imposé par l'AESA.
Messages: 4015
Inscription: Lundi 3 Août 2015 11:21
Aérodrome: LFPT, LFPN
Activité/licences: PPL(A)

Re: Annexe 1 et annexe 2

Messagede ambassadeur le Samedi 6 Mai 2023 23:01

Les certificats de navigabilité restreints sont français et non EASA, non?
Messages: 1787
Inscription: Vendredi 20 Avril 2018 11:30
Activité/licences: PPL(A) (ex.TT), Montagne, 1er cycle voltige, ULM

Re: Annexe 1 et annexe 2

Messagede Aviathor le Dimanche 7 Mai 2023 07:44

ambassadeur a écrit:Les certificats de navigabilité restreints sont français et non EASA, non?

Exactement. L'annexe 1 exclut les avions concernés du scope de l'AESA et laisse donc la responsabilité de réglementer aux autorités nationales, tout en donnant les règles pour leur utilisation pour des activités qui sont dans le champ d'application  de l'AESA
Messages: 4015
Inscription: Lundi 3 Août 2015 11:21
Aérodrome: LFPT, LFPN
Activité/licences: PPL(A)

Re: Annexe 1 et annexe 2

Messagede patrice lapierre le Dimanche 7 Mai 2023 08:37

Oui, mais ça ne change rien au processus d'évaluation... on entre dans le 2eme cas et il faut bien se soumettre au b. ci dessous non ?


Two cases for the evaluation process of Annex-I aircraft are distinguished:

a. Annex-I aircraft that hold an ICAO-level certificate of airworthiness (CoA)
    1. To support the evaluation process performed by the competent authority and provide the competent authority with sufficient data related to the aircraft in question, an instructor who is qualified in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL) to Regulation (EU) No 1187/2011 and nominated by the head of training (HT) of the DTO should assess that the aircraft is appropriately equipped and                  suitable for the training courses provided. The result of this assessment should be submitted to the competent authority and may be included already in the application for the authorisation.
    2. During the evaluation process, the competent authority should consider aircraft that hold a CoA issued in accordance with Annex 8 to the Chicago Convention to provide a level of safety comparable to that required by Annex II to the Basic Regulation, unless the competent authority determines that the airworthiness requirements used for certification of the aircraft, or the service                      experience, or the safety system of the State of design, do not provide for a comparable level of safety.

b. Annex-I aircraft that do not hold an ICAO-level CoA
    Before the inclusion of these aircraft in the fleet of an DTO and their use in training to obtain Part-FCL licences and ratings, the DTO should apply for the authorisation to the competent authority that should perform the evaluation process in the following order:

    1. Initial assessment by the competent authority and criteria taken into consideration
        The competent authority should take into account the following criteria (non-exhaustive list):
           i. national airworthiness requirements based on which the aircraft CoA was issued;
          ii. aircraft similarities to a certified variant;
         iii. aircraft with a satisfactory in-service experience as training aircraft;
         iv. simple and conventional aircraft design;
         v. aircraft that does not have hazardous design features or details, judging by experience; and
        vi. operable aircraft systems, equipment, and appliances that do not require exceptional skills or strength.

    2. Additional assessment by a qualified instructor
        To support the evaluation process performed by the competent authority and provide the competent authority with sufficient data related to the aircraft in question, after the positive initial assessment by the competent authority as per point (1), an instructor who is qualified in accordance with Part-FCL and nominated by the HT of the DTO should          show through an evaluation report that the aircraft is appropriately equipped and suitable for the training courses provided. That evaluation report should consider all of the following criteria:
          i. the aircraft should be safely controllable and manoeuvrable under all anticipated operating conditions, including after failure of one or more propulsion systems;
         ii. the aircraft should allow for a smooth transition from one flight phase to another without requiring exceptional piloting skills, alertness, strength, or workload under any probable operating conditions;
        iii. the aircraft should have sufficient stability to ensure that the demands made on the pilot are not excessive, considering the phase and duration of flight; and
        iv. the assessment should take into account control forces, flight deck environment, pilot workload, and other human factors (HF) considerations, depending on the phase and duration of flight.

   Subject to a positive evaluation report as per point (2), the competent authority should issue the authorisation.

lien vers le texte bien mis en forme : ... o/partie85
Patrice Lapierre
Avatar de l'utilisateur
patrice lapierre
Messages: 1402
Inscription: Samedi 15 Septembre 2007 12:45
Localisation: Toujours là où il ne faut pas !
Aérodrome: LFMV, LFNV, LFNH

Re: Annexe 1 et annexe 2

Messagede Aviathor le Dimanche 7 Mai 2023 09:15

De toute manière débattre de ça est stérile parce que la DGAC fait ce qu'elle veut.

Remonter un dossier pour chaque avion d'un même modèle, et démontrer la stabilité de chacun, évaluer son adaptation, semble cependant un peu exagéré. Mais c'est le choix de la DGAC.

La question du niveau d'équipement doit se poser même pour les avions en CDN.
Messages: 4015
Inscription: Lundi 3 Août 2015 11:21
Aérodrome: LFPT, LFPN
Activité/licences: PPL(A)

Re: Annexe 1 et annexe 2

Messagede patrice lapierre le Dimanche 7 Mai 2023 09:54

Mon but n'est pas de débattre ou polémiquer... mais de savoir si de tels dossiers ont déjà été montés afin de m'en inspirer... Image
Patrice Lapierre
Avatar de l'utilisateur
patrice lapierre
Messages: 1402
Inscription: Samedi 15 Septembre 2007 12:45
Localisation: Toujours là où il ne faut pas !
Aérodrome: LFMV, LFNV, LFNH

Re: Annexe 1 et annexe 2

Messagede gma le Mardi 9 Mai 2023 19:05

Pour le principe, on rappelle que la DGAC délivre un certificat de navigabilité à un constructeur (CdN, CNRA, CDNS, CDNR)...

Que si vous êtes un exploitant, il ne vous sera jamais demandé de satisfaire les conditions de délivrance d'un certificat de navigabilité.
Par contre, il vous sera demandé de garantir le maintien de la navigabilité en garantissant le bon renouvellement périodique du certificat d'examen de navigabilité (CEN) qui, comme vous le savez, ne contient pas d'épreuve en vol...

Donc pas la peine de rêver d'être pilote d'essai si vous n'avez pas le statut de constructeur...
Il n'y a que l'exception pour faire avancer la science, la découverte se fait au moment où l'observateur remarque une anomalie... (B Vian)
Messages: 4284
Inscription: Mercredi 26 Octobre 2016 16:19
Localisation: Nord de France, UK
Activité/licences: PPL (A), CBIR, VP-RU/ VdN, TW

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