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Carburant Diesel Auto

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Carburant Diesel Auto

Messagede pfiquet le Mercredi 17 Juin 2009 22:59

Je ne sais pas quel impact ce la peut avoir sur vos moteurs, mais ce matin, en faisant le plein de ma voiture, j'ai constaté que même le fuel (chez nous on dit "diesel") était labellisé "E10"

Or j'ai récemment recu un message faisant état de problèmes d'émulsions dans le cas de 100LL "E10" sur un forum de pilotes de "rotorway"

malheureusement il faut être inscrit pour y accéder, je vous en livre le principal

Alcohol in fuel Danger report

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While instructing in a Rotorway 162F at the local airport last week one of my former students, Eric Brotherton, came up to my student's ship to visit. Eric is an A&P Mechanic instructor and director of maintenance for one of the nations largest helicopter medical services training fleet. Eric is also one of my former students and the owner of a beautiful Exec 90 that he built several years ago.

Eric shared the following story that really got my attention and I feel that many on this forum may benefit from Eric's experience.

Eric was flying his Rotorway on a familiar route from his home airport to his parents lakeside resort about 50 miles away. He has flown this route many times and segments take it over some pretty dense forests. Eric flies the densely forrested portions of the route at around 1000 feet so that he can travel from one emergency landing site to another. He had just passed one such emergency LZ when his engine suddenly lost power. Up to this point he had flown his ship with absolutely no maintenance issues and he was very comfortable with the ship's reliability.

He executed a 180 degree auto into a small field and set it down without damage.

Once he had the helicopter loaded onto a trailer and out of the field he hauled it home. What he found was at first puzzleing. The carborator bowl was full of a white-ish gell that plugged the jets. Once the carborator was cleaned out, the engine again ran perfectly.

The white gel turned out to be a combination of the alcohol in the auto fuel that he was using combined with water that had condensed inside of his fuel tanks and possibly his gas transfer cans. This water/alcohol mixture built up in the carborator bowl to the point that it blocked the flow of fuel into the jets thereby causing the engine failure.

If you are using auto fuel make sure that it does not contain alcohol. I don't know if the alcohol/water mix will cause a similar problem in the injected version of the engine but I suspect that it might. If you are using auto fuel it would be wise to test it for the presence of alcohol before putting it in your helicopter's fuel tanks.

Eric is now using only 100 LL in his ship and it is once again flying reliably.

Bien sûr, l'article parle de 100LL, mais quid de la présence d'éthanol" dans le fuel ?
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