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IO-233 LSA

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IO-233 LSA

Messagede gtvmanu le Dimanche 24 Août 2008 12:57

Lyco s'est décidé à lancer un nouveau moteur : IO 233 LSA qui reprends le concept qui a déjà fait ses preuves du O235, d'une puissance entre 110 et 115 cv avec la capacité de brûler du SP95, injection, plus léger que le 235, TBO à 2400 HdV.

En même temps : O-540 avec fadec double canal et IO-390 : un 360 avec double fadec qu'il remplacera.


Re: IO-233 LSA

Messagede Anne-Isabelle le Dimanche 24 Août 2008 15:49

enfin, çà bouge dans le secteur!

c'est à attendre à quelle échéance?
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Messages: 1486
Inscription: Vendredi 14 Septembre 2007 20:28
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Aérodrome: LFYG Cambrai
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Re: IO-233 LSA

Messagede gtvmanu le Dimanche 24 Août 2008 17:49

Ils parlent de 2009 pour la certif mais comme d'hab, les effets d'annonce ... ... 28-08b.jsp


Re: IO-233 LSA

Messagede andre44 le Lundi 25 Août 2008 15:38


j'espere qu'il vont pas faire un moteur buster style O-200
pas un moteur qui a seulement sa pleine puissance a 2800rpm mais une améloiration du O-235 que a 2300 rpm au moins 100 hp.
Pas un moteur style Franklin 125hp ? dans cette categorie de cylindrée..

les courbes de puissances , consomation , et couple , sont elles disponibles ?

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Inscription: Samedi 15 Septembre 2007 00:39
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Re: IO-233 LSA

Messagede Mousquetaire le Lundi 25 Août 2008 15:59

A mon avis cet IO-233LSA aurat des caractéristiques et courbes quasi identiques au O-235, tout comme le "nouveau" LSA / Continental O-200E.
La grande nouveauté est le document de certification qui coûtera un peu moins cher que pour un moteur déstiné aux productions industrielles...

Mais attendons de voir...
Messages: 2719
Inscription: Mercredi 6 Février 2008 22:10
Localisation: Bergerac
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Re: IO-233 LSA

Messagede gtvmanu le Lundi 25 Août 2008 18:55

Quelques éléments :

  Lycoming enters electronic, light sport and STC markets

EAA Air Venture Oshkosh 2008, billed as "The World's Greatest AviationCelebration," was indeed great for Lycoming Engines. Thousands ofenthusiasts visited Lycoming's exhibit as new products and technologies were unveiled one after another. Lycoming introduced their iE2Integrated Electronic Engine, their new IO-233-LSA Light Sport Aircraftengine, and Lycoming's first Echelon STC engine. The public also previewed the soon-to-be-certified IO-390-A1A6 and Lycoming's new Thunderbolt offering, the turbocharged TIO-360-EXP.
Lycomingalso made news outside the exhibit area with Reno AirRace winner JonSharp breaking the world speed record in his class on Wednesday with his Lycoming Thunderbolt-Powered NemesisNXT. His average speed of 356mph over a measured 3 kilometer course shattered the previous record.


On Thursday, at a special press conference, Ian Walsh, Lycoming senior vice president and general manager, announced the third annual Lycoming-Lindbergh Grant recipient, Dr. Ganesh G. Raman, for his project entitled, "Ultrasonic Actuators for Quiet Aircraft." Walshstated, "We applaud Dr. Ganesh G. Raman for a project which promises to be a true advancement in technology that will benefit aviation, humanity and the environment."

iE2 Series Integrated Electronic Engine
Lycoming's Integrated Electronic Engine, the iE2, sets a standard for piston engine control. Lycoming's total system, designed for safety, simplicity and fuel efficiency, is integrated into the engine, not just bolted on. Advanced technology provides single-lever engine control, knock detection, improved starting, and automated preflight safetychecks with computer logic controlling fuel, turbocharger andpropeller. In addition, the iE2 can be configured to run and even self-adapt to a wider range of gasoline, potentially including Lycoming-approved premium automotive fuel blends.
The first iE2 model, planned for FAA certification in 2009, will be the TEO-540-A1A, a high performance 350HP, 540 cubic inch, twin-turbocharged and intercooled engine. Prior to certification, a non-certified version of this iE2 model will be available as a Thunderbolt engine option for advanced experimental aircraft.

IO-233-LSA Light Sport Aircraft Engine

The Lycoming IO-233-LSA model displayed at Oshkosh is a light sport aircraft engine undergoing final performance and endurance testing. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) conformance will be completed in 2008, and FAA certification is under consideration for2009.
The less restrictive Light Sport Aircraft classification opens the market to more pilots, owners, airframe manufacturers and builders. Lycoming's IO-233-LSA provides this growing segment with a genuine Lycoming engine based on the reliable O-235 at a substantially reduced weight and size. The engine's 2,400 hour time between overhaul (TBO) is one of the longest Light Sport Aircraft engine TBOs in the market. The IO-233-LSA will be approved for unleaded fuels and automotive based fuels that conform to Lycoming specifications.

Lycoming Echelon STC

Lycoming'sEchelon STC (Supplemental Type Certificate) program, announced at Oshkosh, offers Lycoming factory engine upgrades for selected aircraft models.
Lycoming displayed the first Echelon STC engine, a soon-to-be certified Lycoming IO-390-A1A6, in a classic 1975 Cardinal 177RG. Because the Cardinal RG's existing IO-360-A and the new IO-390-A1A6 have the same footprint and major systems, installing the Echelon STC is straightforward.
Echelon STCs are expected to be certified in the fourth quarter of 2008. Dennis Racine, Lycoming's director of Marketing and Program Management states,"Lycoming is responding to our customers who have inquired about powerplant upgrades for their airplane. Based on customer interest, future Echelon STCs will be developed to accommodate other aircraft makes and models."
For the initial Echelon STC,Lycoming teamed with McCauley Propeller and Cessna Aircraft. The Cardinal RG package includes the Lycoming IO-390-A1A6 engine, newMcCauley governor, Slick Start ignition, and recommendations for propeller overhaul.

Best Ever
Todd Stoner, Lycoming vice president of sales and marketing, stated, "This year's Oshkosh show was the best ever for Lycoming. Oshkosh is such a remarkable occasion in the aviation community that even withfuel costs curtailing so much travel the crowds were as large as ever."
Reflecting on EAA Air Venture Oshkosh 2008, MikeEverhart, Director, Distribution Management and Customer Service, expressed, "The success of this year's show was reflected not only byLycoming's well-received presence, but also by the high interest amongall attendees. It's encouraging, for example, to see the enthusiasm of younger aviators like the EAA Young Eagles."

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